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If you follow us on Facebook, Twitter, tumblr, or Google+ (and you should), this is probably going to be information you’re already familiar with, but it still needs to be said:


On Friday, August 29th we opened our digital doors and they are still open right now. Things are a little bare bones right now, but that is in the process of changing. Right now we’re offering three things, all shirts, and they look like this (click on the image to see the product description):

Both the Cuddle-Fish shirts were designed by our own Tess Langston of Anime Asylum. These are currently out at the printer, so if you buy one now you might have to wait a couple weeks to hold it in your hands and wear it on your torso, but it will be worth it. The absolute latest we expect to start sending these out is the 22nd.

The Consistent Tangerine Logo shirt was designed by Marcus Schulter of our very entertaining affiliate Marcus Schulter’s Consistent Tangerine. This one is available for preorder until Saturday, September 13th. After that it goes to the printer and then out to all the good people who want one. We expect to start sending these out by the 29th at the latest.

We’re hoping to offer a wider variety of products in the coming months, but we need your help to make it happen. So if we’re selling something you like and have some extra money, we can reverse that situation so you have a cool thing and we have money which we’ll spend to make more cool stuff. And so the great wheel of capitalism turns ever onward.

An additional pieces of information that might interest you: Whenever possible, all our products will be manufactured in by small businesses in Missoula, MT, which is Some-Stories.com's local community. This might lead to a slightly higher overhead for us and a slightly higher price tag for you, but we think it is important to support small businesses whenever possible. You can probably see how we, a small business, might arrive at that conclusion.

Last thing that will definitely interest you: Pre-ordered products will always, always be 10% cheaper than their cost after pre-order. The idea here is to incentivize pre-orders, since the pre-order money is a big chunk of what we use to pay for things. So if you like a thing, pre-order it and save yourself a little money.

-T. Stimac

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