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Help Support Some-Stories.com

Here at Some-Stories.com we love making the comics, art, and other great things you visit us to enjoy. In addition to making those things, we also love eating food, living in houses, and paying our bills. Crazy, we know. But that's how things are.

How Can I Help?

If you are browsing Some-Stories.com without an AdBlocker, than you're already helping us! A big part of our income is advertising, so just reading our comics without an AdBlocker makes a big difference to our bottom line.

Okay, But How Can I Help For Real?

Slow down there, money bags. We're getting there.

There are three main ways you can go about supporting us:

1) Buying merch from our fabulous store!

2) Directly tipping your favorit artists on their home pages. If you want to target your dollars, this is your best bet.

3) Sign up for a supporting membership on Patreon. The money we raise through Patreon helps us cover hosting costs and general expenses. If you want to spread your money around, Patreon is the place to go. Not only that, but Patreon supporters are elligable for all kind of cool rewards like exclusive desktop wallpapers, Google Hangouts with the Some-Stories crew, special shoutouts, and more.

This year's wallpaper so far

But How Can I Help Without Spending Money?

Like we said, just reading helps. If you'd like to be more proactive you can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or tumblr and share your favorite Some-Stories comics with your friends.

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To find out how you can help support Some-Stories, visit our support page or check us out on Patreon.