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What's New

Some things have been happening

Lots to talk about.

First: New site desinges. There are some. Obviously, this one has a completely new look. I hope you like it. But did you know Anime Asylum has an all new look? Because it does. Soon Piano Tuner's Niece" will join it in the new look club. Very exciting.

Not only do the old things have a new look, but there is also a completely new thing that you can and should look at. It is called Brian, Young Ninja and is by a guy called Mark Wayne, who has a Twitter you can follow. We are very happy to have him joining the team and I suspect that when you get to know him you will agree. Brian, Young Ninja will update Wednesdays each week, if you were curious.

We are also working to produce a new and improved store. Anyone whose visited it recenttly probably noticed there is nothing there right now. That will change soon. More updates to come.

And, finally, there is some exciting news on the social media front. Some-Stories.com is now on more than Facebook. We are also on Google+ and Twitter now. And if three options weren't enough ways to keep up with us, you can also subscribe to our RSS Feed for a fourth. Very exciting.

Dang, that is a lot of news. I'm sure there will be more in the future, but for now that is probably enough.

I hope you like the new design, the new comic, and the new store.

-T. Stimac

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